We strongly believe that the solution to this problem is education. We must all adapt the way in which we use social media, ensuring we are mindful of conservation. We have created several resources to try to help tackle this.
In April 2024, we started a video campaign from Battersea Park Children's Zoo, sharing the plight the cotton-top tamarin, a species in our collection whose conservation is affected by their portrayal on social media. Since then, other organisations have joined the series, sharing educational videos about other species, and how their portrayal is affected by social media. Sharing this message across multiple social media accounts maximises the number of views, educating as many as possible.
The #ShareSavvy workshop is aimed at KS3 students wishing to learn more about how to navigate social media in a way that is mindful of conservation. It is currently available for booking through the Battersea Park Chlidren's Zoo education programme, of which all of the details can be found in the link below.